Maduramicin 1 %
( For Veterinary Use Only )
Each 1 kg contains :
Maduramicin ammonium 12.20 gm
Equiv.To maduramicin base: 10 gm
Properties :-
- Maduramicin is a broad spectrum anticoccidial that belongs to the ionophore antibiotic .
It is effective against Eimeria Tenella , E. acervulina , E. necatrix , E.maxima , E.mivati,E.brunetty & other types of coccidian parasitizing for poultry.
- Maduramicin produces its anticoccidial effect by interfering with the transport of ions through coccidial cell membrane , causing an influx of positively charged ions (cations).
This may upset the osmotic balance of the coccidial cell and affects cellular reactions.
Activity is directed towards the sporozoites and merozoites.
Prevention of coccidiosis in broilers.
Dosage & Administration :
For the active ingredient:
Broilers :
5 ppm in the finished feed.
For the whole product:
0.5 kgm of the product / ton feed continuously as the sole ration to broiler chickens.
Side Effects:
- Non in the recommended doses.
- Toxic effects may appear in high doses to laying hens and on embryo.
- Toxic to horses and equines.
Contra-indications :
The administration of maduramicin is prohibited to layers as the pharmaceutical is accumulated in eggs.
The administration of maduramicin is prohibited simultaneously with tiamulin & in the period of 7 days before or after application of tiamulin.
Warning & Precautions:
Store in cool and dry place away from sunlight.
Withdrawal time : Broilers : 5 days.
To be mixed thoroughly with feed.
Laminated bag of 500 gm.
Manufactured by Arabcomed for Drugest pharmaceutical company