-The Company was established as a shareholder Company inclining a number of expertise in the pharmaceutical field as well as medical veterinary fields :
1- Multi pharma company .
2- Dr. Fouad Mohamed El Lafy .
3- Dr .Abdel Karim Mohamed Hatata .
4- Dr . Mohamed Faisal Kamel .
-The Company Started with a paid Capital of three million 500.000 Egyptian pounds while the Authorized capital is estimated by 15 million Egyptian pounds .
- The Company has started with the registration of veterinary products , owning now 12 products For poultry 13 products for large animals all the products and special Cally chosen romeet the veterinary market needs in Egypt Africa .
- The Company is toll manufacturing its products at the Arab an Company for Medical products 2 the Arab an Company for gelatinous 2 pharmaceutical products ( Arab caps ) both Companies an applying high standards of GMP 2 are very known for them Competently 2 efficiency within the pharma Curtice field .