(For Veterinary Use Only )
Composition : Each 1gm contains :
Chlortetracycline Hcl 575 mg
Equiv. to Chlortetracycline base 500mg
- Chlortetracycline is a bactoriostatic antibiotic from tetracycline group used for control and treatment of awide variety of infections caused by G+ve ( coryne bacterium , staph , spp, strept, spp) and G- ve bacteria
( E.coli , salmonella spp , Heamophilus spp , Pasteurella spp . ) Mycoplasma ( M. gallisepticum , M. synovial,M.meleagridis ), Spirochaetes, Rickettsiae & Some protozoa.
- Large dose may be bactericidal.
- It acts by inhabiting the protein synthesis of 30s ribosomal subunit levels .
Indications : for treatment of chlortetracycline sensitive infections in :-
- Poultry : CRD due to Mycoplasma & or E.coli &Enterritis due to E.coli &
Salmonella spp.
Fowel cholera ( past – multocida )
- Calves – Lambs & Kids : Scour & Pneumonia.
Dosage & administration
General dose : 20mg / kg.b.wt
Poultry : 2 gm / 5 litres of drinking water dialy for 3-5 days.
Calves , Lambs & Kids :- 0.5 gm / 12.5 kg. b.wt. once daily for 3-5 days.
Warnings & Precautions :
- Not administered to ruminating animals.
- Not used for layers.
- Not used in cases of renal impairment.
Withdrawal time :
Poultry : 7 days
Calves – Lambs & kids : 21days
Side Effects : None in recommended doses
-Long treatment in young animal may affect teeth & bones due to chelating of calcium.
Storage : store in a dry place away from direct sunlight
Package : 500gm
Manufactured by Arabcomed for Drugest pharmaceutical company