
Oral suspension
(For Veterinary use Only )

Composition :-
Each 1 ml contains :
Triclabendazole                120 mg
Levamisole Hcl                  75 mg
* Nemafluke is a combination of Triclabendazole and Levamisole acting  as anthelmintic.
* Levamisole Hcl has a paralyzing action on nematodes by acholinergic  action , it also inhibits the fumerate reductase enzyme.
* Triclabendazole acts by preventing worms from utilizing glucose ;  Glucose is not absorbed and the parasite's glycogen become  depleted and the worms are not able to synthesize Adenosine  Triphosphate ( A.T.P ) which is essential for survival.
Indications :
In case of acute , subacute and chronic fascioliasis ( either hepatica or    gigantic ) affecting sheep , goats and cattle.
Adult and immature forms of round worms such as Haemonchus,Oestertagia,Coopria,Trichostrongylus,Bunostomum and Oesophagostomum.
Adult & immature lung worms affecting sheep , goats and cattle.
Dosage and Administration :
( Given orally as drench )
5 ml / 50 kg b.wt
( 12 mg triclabendazole + 7.5 mg Levamisole Hcl / kg b.wt).
Precautions and Warnings :
* Not used in cattle producing milk for human consumption.
* Shake well before use.
Withdrawal Time :
Cattle : 28 days
Storage :
Keep at temp. not exceeding 25ÂșC away from direct sunlight
Pack : 500 ml  1,2,3,4,5 Liters
Manufactured by Arabcomed for Drugest pharmaceutical company

Nifulin Forte Package